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引用元:CNN Business
Exhausted and without hope, East Asian youth are ‘lying flat’
By Sophie Jeong (August 29, 2021)

Exhausted and without hope, East Asian youth are ‘lying flat’

✅lie flat:伏せる、横たわる(チュウゴクの「寝そべり族」と言われる若者を表している。あえて頑張らないライフスタイルを嗜好している。)

Interest in “lying flat” has exploded on social media and attracted the interest of censors, who in some cases have restricted the use of the term. Several state media outlets have also pushed back against the conversation, suggesting that young people should strive to work hard instead.


✅media outlet:報道発信源、メディアの支局
✅push back:押し返すstrive to~:~に励む

In South Korea, young people are giving up on marriage and home ownership. In Japan, they are so pessimistic about the country’s future that they are eschewing material possessions.



“Young people are very burnt out,” said Lim Woon-taek, a professor of sociology at Keimyung University in South Korea. “They don’t know why they have to work so hard.”As more young people grow frustrated with relentless pressure, they say they want to — and in some cases are — giving up conventional rites of passage, such as getting married or having children.

「若者は燃え尽きのような状態です」と韓国ケミョン大学 社会学教授のLim Woon-taek氏は言う。「彼らはなぜ一生懸命働かなければいけないのか分からないのです」。多くの若者は過酷なプレッシャーの苛立ちの中で生きてきたので、彼らは従来型の通過儀礼、例えば結婚や出産、を諦めたいといっており、実際にその様なケースもある。

✅rite of passage:通過儀礼

Resignation generation

Young Japanese people have been frustrated with work pressure and economic stagnation for years, too.Some identify as the “satori sedai,” or “resignation generation,” a term first used in 2010 on 2channel, an anonymous message board in Japan that was popular at the time. It’s characterized by pessimistic attitudes towards the future and a lack of material desire.



“I spend my money only on things [that] I like and find value [in],” said Kenta Ito, 25, who describes himself a minimalist and identifies with the satori sedai. He earns a decent wage at a consulting firm in Tokyo, but doesn’t care about owning things like a house or a car.



Almost 26% of the 2,824 people ages 16 to 35 living in Japan surveyed by the consulting firm Dot in Tokyo in 2017 — its most recent survey on this topic — said they associate themselves with the characteristics of the satori generation.
“They would do what they’re expected to do, but maybe not so much beyond that,” said Sachiko Horiguchi, an associate professor of anthropology at Temple University’s Japan Campus. “They’re less materialistic, not so interested in consumption.”

ドットコンサルティング社(東京)が2017年に16~35才の2,824人に対して行った調査(この件では最新の調査)によると、約26パーセントは、自身がさとり世代の特徴にあてはまると答えた。「彼らは期待されている通りの事はするが、それ以上の事はあまりしない様だ」と、テンプル大学日本キャンパス 人類学准教授のホリグチサチコ氏は言った。「彼らは消費に興味がなくあまり物を消費しない。」


She added that the “satori sedai” have not seen a lot of economic development, resulting in their outlook.”The resignation partly comes from the gap between the older generation who have seen economic progress … versus this generation,” she added.Japan’s economy has remained largely stagnant since its asset bubble burst in the early 1990s. The country’s GDP growth slowed from 4.9% in 1990 to 0.3% in 2019, according to the World Bank, while the average real annual salary declined from 4.73 million yen ($43,000) in 1992 to 4.33 million yen ($39,500) in 2018, according to data from the country’s Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare.


“Their salary isn’t basically going to go up either under the economic decline, so you can’t look for economic reward or material reward for what you do,” Horiguchi said of the satori generation.For 21-year-old Nanako Masubuchi, a senior at Gakushuin University in Tokyo, stagnant wages are one of the factors that impacted her decision to work overseas a few years after she graduates.”About [the] Japanese [economy], I still cannot feel positive,” she said.


What the future looks like

Ito, the 25-year-old consultant in Tokyo, is pessimistic about Japan’s future. He worries that the country’s resources will be focused on taking care of its elderly population, rather than his generation.People in their 20s and 30s make up a fifth of Japan’s population, while more than a third are over the age of 60, according to the Statistics Bureau of Japan. By contrast, about 27% of the US population in 2019 was in their 20s and 30s, while less than a quarter was over 60.


“As elderlies keep increasing and we Generation Z become a minority, most of Japan’s tax will be spent to make those elderlies live long,” Ito said. “Things will be difficult for us.”Shifting demographics are a concern across other parts of East Asia, too.









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