
”The edible insects coming to a supermarket near you” by Natalie Lisbona (23, September, 2021)
The edible insects coming to a supermarket near you
It has long been suggested that we should start eating insects to help the environment, but for many of us it is not a palatable thought. One Israeli firm is hoping to win over the squeamish by adding different flavourings.
✅win over:納得させる
Dror Tamir opens a packet of brown, jellied sweets. “Try one,” says the boss of food tech firm Hargol.
Dror Tamir氏は茶色いゼリー状のお菓子の袋を開けた。「おひとつどうぞ」と食品会社のハーゴル社の社長は言った。
The little gummies are packed with protein, but not from soy or gelatine. They are instead made from an edible, jumping insect – locusts, which are a type of grasshopper.
“Grasshoppers taste like pecans, mushrooms, coffee and chocolate,” adds Mr Tamir. “But with our range of food we can add in different flavours… the gummies come in orange and strawberry flavour.”
The Israeli entrepreneur says he became fascinated with grasshoppers as a child, after hearing stories from his grandmother, who was the cook on a kibbutz, or collective farm.
“I learned about the 1950s, when Israel suffered from both food insecurity as well as locust swarms flying in from Africa and destroying the crops,” he says.
“While most kibbutz members ran to the fields to scare the grasshoppers away, the Yemenite and Moroccan Jewish members collected tons of them to eat.「1950年代にイスラエルが食糧危機とアフリカから流れ込んだイナゴの大群に見舞われ穀物を食われ大変な経験をした事を学びました」と彼は言う。「多くのキブツのメンバーは田畑に駆け出してイナゴを追い出そうとしましたが、イエメン系とモロッコ系のユダヤ人メンバーは食用にするためにイナゴを大量に収集しました。」
“That’s when I learned that grasshoppers are food for billions around the globe.”
The insects have long been eaten by communities across Africa, Asia, Central America and the Middle East, but for many people in Europe and North America it remains an unwelcome thought.「この話を聞いて私は、イナゴが地球上の何十億という人のための食べ物である事を学びました。」昆虫はアフリカ、アジア、中央アメリカや中東の人々に長年食用されてきましたが、ヨーロッパや北米の多くの人には未だ歓迎されないものであり続けている。
Mr Tamir hopes to change all that, and his firm is about to introduce a range of products. In addition to the sweets there will be energy bars, burgers and falafel balls.
If you are still not convinced that insects will ever become part of the Western diet, some experts believe there may be eventually no choice due to environmental concerns and projected global population growth.
By 2050 the world population is expected to reach 9.8 billion, up from the current 7.7 billion.Tamir氏はそれ(昆虫食が毛嫌いされる事)を変えたいと思っており、彼の会社では間もなく様々な商品が発表されようとしている。お菓子に加えて、エナジーバーやバーガー、ファラフェルボールなども(ラインナップに)ある。あなたはまだ昆虫が西洋の食事の一部になる事に納得できないかも知れないが、研究者は環境問題と世界人口の増加予想により徐々に(昆虫食は)避けられないものになるだろうと考えている。2050年までに世界人口は、現在の77億人から98億人にものぼると見られている。
✅falafel ball:ファラフェル(中東のコロッケ風の食べ物)

With another two billion people to feed, some say that traditional farming will not be able to keep pace. And that, at the same time, switching to insect protein will be far better for the environment than rearing cows, sheep and other mammals.
“Protein is essential in our diets,” says Prof Robin May, chief scientific advisor to the UK’s Food Standards Agency. “But often some of our most protein-rich foods come with significant environmental or ethical footprints – meat or dairy products, for instance.
「たんぱくは私たちの食生活に必要不可欠です」とRobin May博士(英国食品基準庁の主任科学アドバイザー)は言う。「しかしたんぱく豊富な食べ物の多くは環境負荷や倫理的問題を含みがちです-例えば肉や乳製品がそうです。」
“Some insect proteins, such as ground crickets or freeze-dried mealworms, are cheap, easy to farm, low fat and have a lower environmental impact than meat.
“And sometimes they may even provide a valuable ‘recycling’ service, by consuming waste products as their primary feedstuff, so the potential advantages to society are significant.”
Yet Prof May also cautions that some questions remain regarding the eating of farmed insects.
“The way that insects are farmed and the relatively short time in which they have been used as agricultural animals means that we know far less about insect-derived foods than we do for, say, beef,” he says.しかしMay博士は飼育昆虫を食べる事は、まだわからない事があると警鐘を鳴らす。「家畜に比べて短い時間で昆虫は飼育できるが、その事は、牛などの家畜に比べて昆虫由来の食について私たちがまだ全然知らない事を意味する。」と彼は言う。
A key question at this stage, he adds, is whether some insect proteins may prove to be allergenic or to have significant impact on the human microbiome – the bacteria and other microbes that live inside our bodies.
Mr Tamir is convinced that the environmental and health benefits are enough of a reason to make insects part of the diet.彼が付け加えて言うには、現段階での重要な疑問は昆虫由来のたんぱく質がアレルギー性質があるのか、それとヒトの細菌叢に重大な影響を与えるかどうかだ-つまりバクテリアや微生物が人体の中で生きるのかどうかだ。タミル氏は、環境的・健康的メリットは昆虫食を導入する理由として十分であると確信している。
His firm farms its locusts at an indoor, solar-powered facility in northern Israel. The main species that it breeds is the migratory locust, but it also farms the desert locust, and a bush cricket called nsenene.
“We can breed 400 million locusts a year in our facilities,” says Mr Tamir, who adds that the insect takes just 29 days to become fully grown.彼の会社ではイナゴを室内養殖しているが、太陽光発電の設備はイスラエル北部にある。主に育てている種はトノサマバッタだが、サバクトビバッタやセネネと呼ばれるキリギリスも飼育している。
✅migratory locust:トノサマバッタ
✅bush cricket:キリギリス
He claims that compared with beef production, locust farming reduces greenhouse gas emissions by 99%, water consumption by 1,000 times and arable land usage 1,500-fold.
Mr Tamir is also keen to point out that locusts are both kosher and halal, meaning that they can be eaten by both dietary observant Jews and Muslims.彼の主張によると、牛肉製品と比べて、イナゴの飼育は温室効果ガスの排出量が99%減、水の消費が1,000分の1、耕作する土地の利用は1,500分の1に削減できる。
Whether you can actually buy edible insects to eat depends on what country you live in. In the UK, you can buy them from online firms such as EatGrub and Horizon Insects, although the sector would like the UK government to remove expensive regulation.
In the European Union, both the migratory locust and yellow mealworms, the larva of a beetle, were deemed fit for human consumption this year.食用昆虫を実際に購入できるかどうかはあなたがどの国に住んでいるかにもよる。イギリスでは、EatGrubやHorizon Insectsといった会社からネットで購入可能だ。昆虫食分野はイギリス政府が高い規制金を課しているので(それらの会社は)撤廃を望んでいるが。
Yet Bridget Benelam, communications manager at the British Nutrition Foundation, says more research is still needed. She echoes Prof May’s concerns about potential allergies, saying some people may be allergic to eating insects in the same way that others have an adverse reaction to shellfish.
しかし、Bridget Benelam氏(英国栄養財団の通信管理者)は、更なる研究はまだ必要だと言う。彼女はMay博士のアレルギーに関する懸念を繰り返す。貝類にアレルギー反応を起こす人がいるのと同様に、昆虫食においてもアレルギー反応を起こす人がいる可能性がある、と。
She points out that some unanswered questions remain around the safety of consuming some types of insect, which could potentially transfer toxins or pesticides to humans. “These are some of the barriers that need to be overcome if eating insects is to become truly mainstream.”
Back in Israel, Mr Tamir admits that “the yuck factor” is one of his industry’s most important challenges. “But I am convinced it will soon be widely accepted, just like eating raw fish in sushi was embraced.”