(1, July, 2023)
This article is about(記事の概要);
・Sukhothai Historical Park, Thailand’s oldest kingdom palace, listed on UNESCO World Heritage.
・You can see a lot of pictures and information of remains that I visited.
※This article is written in English and Japanese.
1.Brief History of Sukhothai|スコータイの歴史
Sukhothai is known as the oldest kingdom by Thai people located in North Thailand (Current historic study finds older history of Thai people than Sukhothai though).
Sukhothai kingdom started in the 13th century, influenced by styles of Ceylon (Sri Lanka), Burma (Myanmar) and Khmer (Cambodia) and their unique Buddhism culture blossomed. Later in the 15th century, Sukhothai kingdom was merged into Ayutthaya Kingdom. However, the Sukhothai kingdom was forgotten and ruined into jungle, left for 700 years until ”re-discovery”. It was designated the UNESCO World Heritage in 1991.
2.How to get to Sukhothai from Bangkok|バンコクからスコータイへのアクセス
From Bangkok, Suvarnabhumi Airport, you take Bangkok Airways Flight.
My flight number was PG211, departure time 7:00 AM, arriving at 8:20AM.
Returning flight was PG214, departure time 17:50 PM, arriving at 19:10 PM in BKK.

Arriving at Sukhothai airport, I struggled to find transportation. Grab taxi didn’t find any drivers at all. A few local taxi drivers are right there, so you should rush to find them just upon arrival.
*I managed to find one local taxi but with a higher rate compared with ordinary.
Location of Sukhothai Historical Park follows.
行き:フライト番号PG211 7:00 AM出発 / 8:20AM着
帰り:フライト番号PG214 17:50 PM出発 / 19:10 PM着


3.Visit report of remains in Sukhothai Historical Park|スコータイ歴史公園遺跡訪問レポート
Sukhothai Historical Park consisted of a lot of ancient Buddhist temples. Mainly in Central Area of the park, you can see major Sukhothai temples such as Wat Mahatat.
*”Wat” means “Temple” in Thai language.
I mainly visited temples around the North and Central area by rental bicycle, which I follow to report with pictures.

(1) Wat Phra Phai Luang |ワット・プラパーイルワン

Wat Phra Phai Luang is the oldest temple of Sukhothai Kingdom, located North of the historical park. You can see 3 monumental towers featuring the Hindi style of Khmer Era, before Sukhothai Kingdom, but just 1 tower is left in original style.
Going deep into the remains, the Buddha statues exist, looking at Hindi towers, which shows the aesthetic of historical cultural intercourse. It is terrific. Don’t miss it.

It was a bit regrettable that most Buddha statues were without their heads. Numbers of remains such as relief of head of an angel, excavated here, were exhibited in (6) Ramkhamhaeng National Museum, reported later.
*It was good to see the excavated items in the museum, but I felt I wanted to see them in original positions even if it were a revival.

発掘されてしまったからなのか最古の遺跡だからなのか、頭の無い仏像が多かったのは残念でした。ここで発掘されたヒンズーの女神のレリーフ等は(6) ラームカムヘン国立博物館に数多く展示されていました。掘り出して取り出されたものを見るのも悪くはないですが、復元でも良いので遺跡の元の状態を見たかった気がします。
(2) Wat Si Chum|ワット・シーチュム

Wat Si Chum is one of the most famous and symbolic temples in Sukhothai, located North of the park. The walls are 15 meters high, surrounding the Big Buddha called “Phra Achana”, which means the one without fear.The great white Buddha was phenomenal.
Inside, Thai Buddhism Priests were chanting sutras, which shows the importance of Wat Si Chum for local people even in modern times.

スコータイ歴史公園の城壁北側に位置する定番寺院。高さ15メートルの壁に囲まれた巨大な坐禅仏はPhra Achana(恐れぬ者、仏)と呼ばれています。白く巨大な仏様は大迫力でした。

(3) Wat Si Sawai|ワット・シーサワーイ

Wat Si Sawai is located within the central wall of Sukhothai historical park.
This temple was built between Khmer era and early Sukhothai kingdom in the 13th century. 3 sharp triangle towers look very Khmer style, representing Hindu. On the other hand, while building Wat Si Sawai, new Sukhothai Kingdom occurred and a Buddhist temple was attached in front of Hindi towers.

Personally, Wat Si Sawai was the best temple in the park. It is the very Thai feeling to build a Buddhist temple attached to existing Hindi architecture. For me, it seems representing Thailand’s mind of cozy laid-back feeling, and I gave a thought to this great country’s foundation by visiting Wat Si Sawai.
In my experience in mother nation Japan, for example, I have ever found a Buddhist temple built just next to Shrine of the Japanese local religion, but buildings are separated. Wat Si Sawai is quite special and unique that different religious buildings are mixed together that I have never seen in Japan. It may represent the high affinity of Hindu and Buddhism.

(4) Wat Mahathat|ワット・マハータート

Wat Mahathat is located Center of Sukhothai historical park and it is one of the best remains that you must visit. In 200 square meters size with 209 Buddhist tower, 10 prayers hall, 8 Buddhist temple, 4 holy fountain and main hall and 111 statue of Buddha’s apprentice. You can see the influence of Hindi here like other temples in Sukhothai. Wat Mahathat is one of the most important remains in the park, protected by the historical Sukhothai kingdoms.
(5) Ta Pha Daeng Shrine|ターパーデーン堂

Ta Pha Daeng Shrine is located in the center of Sukhothai historical park, which is the oldest construction in Sukhothai. The day I visited there was very hot day, maybe over 35 degrees celsius, but I felt cool once going inside the shrine.

(6) Ramkhamhaeng National Museum|ラームカムヘーン国立博物館

Ramkhamhaeng National Museum is located east central area of Sukhothai historical park. I was impressed by a relief of head of Hindi Angel, excavated at (1) Wat Phra Phai Luang.

The big diorama of Sukhothai historical park will show you the temples/remains that you just visited, which is fun. I recommend going to Ramkhamhaeng National Museum last with enough time like 1.5~2 hours, after going around the remains you like.
スコータイ歴史公園中央の東寄りにラームカムヘーン国立博物館があります。(1) ワット・プラパーイルワンで発掘されたヒンズー教の天使のレリーフが非常に印象的でした。

(7) Wat Chang Lom|ワット・チャーンローム

Wat Chang Lom is located in the east area of Sukhothai historical park, which will take just 10 minutes by bicycle. “Chang” represents “Elephant” in Thai language, so the temple features a lot of elephant reliefs. It was a spacious, cozy and relaxing place which I loved. I found wild cows in the grass nearby. They were so cute.


4.My thoughts|感想
I often travel to Thailand for business trip and I had dreamed of going to Sukhothai. It was good for me to visit there alone for the first time, gathering information by myself. Many beautiful Buddhist temples were there, showing aesthetics of Hindu and Buddhism mixture, by which you could feel the ancient history of Thailand. The remains, shown to you in this article, are just partial examples, Sukhothai must have more stunning temples out there. I am looking forward to coming back to this beautiful ancient kingdom in Thailand.
Lastly, Thailand’s sunshine is very strong. Be careful with skin damage or sunburn by UV. Enjoy your trip to the remains. Hoping this article will be helpful for you.
