(15, February, 2022)
I’ve read ”Who Moved My Cheese?” by Spencer Johnson. It is a famous Self-admiring book, made a big hit and sensation in Japan as well around the year 2000 but no one recalls nor talks about this book nowadays.
Same like other Self-development books, message of this book is simply like ”Don’t be afraid of change, try first. Take action”. This simple but important message is expressed in the Cheese story by mice and littlepeople.

BTW, Mark Zuckerberg, founder of Facebook has said quite similar message; ”Done is better than perfect”, which I personally like very much.
English level of ”Who Moved My Cheese” was comprehensible for intermediate learners, not difficult for me too. Probably intermediate learners can read through this book easily.
However, in terms of English learning under Tadoku concept, where learners read English books as many as possible aiming to strengthen their vocabulary and conversation skill, I don’t recommend it because this kind of self-admiring book doesn’t contain much conversation. Not conversational but more like literary style. It will not so much help develop your conversational vocabulary.
What’s good about this book is its easiness to read through, so I can recommend it to learners looking for light book or easy self-admiring books. Such learners could enjoy this Cheese adventure story:)
*Related article in Japanese.
