今回はあるシンガポール人ALT(Assistant Language Teacher、つまり外国語指導助手)の日本(秋田県)での体験をつづった英語の記事を和訳していきます。日本人として当たり前に過ごしていると見過ごしてしまう日本の素晴らしさを再発見できるかも知れません。
引用元:The Japan News by The Yomiuri Shimbun
”Once in a lifetime” by Celine Chan Hui Juan / Special to The Japan News(April 08, 2021)
Once in a lifetime
Celine Chan Hui Juan shares her experiences as participant of the Japan Exchange and Teaching (JET) Programme, which is administered through the collaboration of Japan’s local and national government authorities and promotes grass-roots internationalisation at the local level.
Celine Chan Hui Juan氏が、日本のJETプログラムでの経験を語ります。JETプログラムは地方と日本政府当局が協力のもと取り仕切られ、地方レベルで一般大衆の国際的体験を推進しています。
✅JET Programme:(Japan Exchange and Teaching Programme)JETプログラム=外国語指導を行う外国人招致事業
✅grass roots:一般大衆、草の根
“Every situation is different” is a familiar saying that many of us on the JET Programme have heard, and I couldn’t agree more. While we may all be in different situations and meeting different people, what we do in each situation plays a role in determining the kind of experiences we will have.
A related Japanese expression I have learned during my time living in Akita Prefecture is “ichigo-ichie.”

Akita is a beautiful place to live, with four distinct seasons. There are beautiful cherry blossoms in spring, clear blue skies above the sparkling sea in summer, mesmerizingly colorful foliage in autumn, and stunning snow-blanketed landscapes in winter. Even the sunrises and sunsets are uniquely beautiful — each one is captivating in its own way.
But I’ve grown to love and appreciate Akita beyond its beautiful physical landscapes. There is also the beauty of the Japanese culture. Personally, the best way to experience that culture is to learn it from the local people.
It is from them that I learned about “ichigo-ichie,” the belief that an encounter only happens once in a lifetime. I love this Japanese proverb. It reminds me that encounters in life will never be repeated in the exact manner. I learnt to treasure every moment and encounter I have with people here.
For example, one of the places I look forward to going is the supermarket. My students often run up to me excitedly and introduce me to their families. Once, even the cashier introduced herself to me as my student’s mum while I was making my payment. The endless light-hearted moments made an ordinary place a special one, filled with memories.

I feel like I’ve been living here for a long time. I fell in love with its people and with every single passing moment. Gradually, the people here became like family to me, as strong and close relationships are forged. The experiences I have had surpassed all my expectations and they made me feel Japanese at heart.
I urge you to find your own community and make a deliberate effort to be there for the people in it. Be intentional. You will be pleasantly surprised by how special the experience here will be for you. After all, you attract what you are seeking.
Ichigo-ichie: Treasure each encounter and make each moment count.
— Celine Chan Hui Juan is a third-year Singaporean ALT and has been teaching in Daisen, Akita Prefecture, since August 2018.一期一会:ひとつひとつの出会いを大切にし、一瞬一瞬を大事なものにすること。-Celine Chan Hui Juan氏はシンガポール人で3年目の外国語指導助手です。2018年8月から秋田県大仙市で教鞭をとっています。
✅ALT:(Assistant Language Teacher)外国語指導助手
